Getting The Correct Size Instrument
Hi All! School as begun and I've been measuring students for the appropriate sized instruments. It occurred to me that knowing how to do...
The Negativity Bias: Why You Care More About Your Failures Than Your Successes
“There is the theory of the Möbius, where time becomes a loop.” Just kidding. Not about the Möbius theory, that's real, just about it...
Practice Journal
Hi Everybody! It's been a while since I've posted, I've been very busy with teaching and driving all over creation for symphony/chamber...
Setup Series Part 2: The Shoulder Rest Pt. 1-Rigid Bar Shoulder Rests
Using a Shoulder Rest: The use of a shoulder rest is a polarizing topic in some circles. As a player, I personally have a love-hate...
The Setup Part 1: Chinrests
Setup Series Part 1: The Chinrest I work hard to find a setup that is complimentary to each student's individual anatomy, and to make...
5 Practice Tips
Know what to practice. Playing something from beginning to end is (usually) a waste of practice time. Zero in on areas that consistently...
Adult Students
One of the questions I get a lot from my potential adult students goes like this: “I have no experience/limited experience with music,...